Jamie Nicole

"Building Resiliency with Chronic Illness."

Jamie Nicole is the Founder and CEO of The Natural Healing Coach, LLC. Jamie has established herself as a leading expert in the health & wellness industry as a certified holistic health & autoimmune strategist, dance fitness instructor, and health & wellness motivational speaker.

In a time where self-love, body awareness, and inner healing reign supreme, Jamie’s success in overcoming health complications associated by food sensitivities and an autoimmune disease has provided hard-won and extremely valuable first-hand knowledge on integrative wellness solutions. Her experience and methodology have proven to reduce pain, improve energy, increase productivity, and manage stress. More recently, Jamie’s holistic approach has led her to coach others with autoimmune disease on the verge of losing faith in healthcare and wellness solutions. Her clients have gained confidence, achieved better relationships with food, and discovered the keys that unlock their freedom from being shackled to their disease.

Celebrated for her ground-breaking practices, innovative coaching methods, and hands-on lifestyle management techniques, Jamie is now expanding her offerings and sharing her signature Health Restoration System to support others with autoimmune disease value their choices, take control of their bodies, and gain freedom through healthy eating and active living.

Kela Smith

"How Resiliency and Stress Affect Fertility"

Kela is the CEO and program director of the Hormone Puzzle Society, a woman’s health hub for fertility, hormones, and the business of coaching. She is also one of the coaches at the Society. Kela works with women who are struggling with infertility and hormone imbalance and coaches them to get pregnant naturally and eliminate symptoms of hormone imbalance.

Kela brings over 20 years of experience as a professional fitness trainer, wellness educator, and author. To date, she has published multiple books on fertility and hormones as well as four distinct online courses.

Kela holds four different qualifications as a Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. She realized her dream of creating a virtual holistic health and wellness practice and helps women all over the world solve these issues. As the creator of the Hormone Puzzle Method, Kela helps her clients learn how to cycle sync so they have pleasant periods, boosted fertility, happy hormones, hotter sex lives, and greater creativity, productivity, and wellbeing at work.

Zap your stress

Christine Patton

"Stress - The Monster Under The Bed"

Kela is the CEO and program director of the

For years, Christine has inspired others to their true potential, guiding them to build foundational skills for personal effectiveness and resilience to handle all that their life presents.

As a former specialist in insurance defence litigation, former Judge in the Small Claims Court of Ontario, and as a Mediator, Christine felt the extreme effects of unbridled stress. Those experiences catalysed Christine to reclaim her own life. Her current practice as a Performance Coach, Professional Speaker, Author and HeartMath trainer attracts clients who:
• seek a more meaningful experience in their life
• desire a feeling of wellbeing
• want to tune up their performance skills.

In any forum with Christine, you will receive what you need to turn down the volume of life and its stressors, build resilience and emerge with a complete set of knowledge and tools to create more ease and grace in your life.